It's been a very trying week, emotionally and physically. Headache is such a freak she seems always like to walk hand in hand wif me everytime when I have my period. Even wif loads of coffee, and comfort food I'm feeling worse than dead now.

I don't have the habit of writing sad diaries, because real pain is always beyond the description of words, is when you don't say anything, but your eyes are flooded wif tears. 

Weekend is here. But it is not here for me.

Happy Valentines' Day to all

Valentines' Day is a celebration of love.

How did you celebrate the day? And who's your valentine?

It is almost crazy how my day turnt out to be. Knowing how much I wished to spend the day wif someone I always think dear to my heart, I had to let him go just the night before. No explanation is necessary, just because the truth is that clear. Only women in love dont see the truth till something happens.

If you happened to know the old me, you would expect I crumble.
But now I accepted it. I know the only thing I can do for myself is looking forward.

Took a day-off from office
Went on a makeup job
Rewarded myself a hearty meal
Reserved quiet time for myself and massage
Attended an amazing yoga class by Adeline(She tailored for today specially 'open our hearts')
Received a text from my client how much her husband and she loved my work
Now in bed and zzZZzzZ.. -)

Sleeping with the light on? You're welcoming depression, obesity and more

I saw this 'Studies Found Women Who Sleep With Lights On or Work Night Shift Have Higher Risk of Getting breast Cancer' in my professional email, immediately I went google for more info, and got horrified by what I found.

Many of us may have slept off with light shining onto our face or television on at occasions, some have their dim night lights for reasons. If this does sound familiar to you, please read on!

So the research shows even a little bit of light at night can have terribly negative effects on your health. By cutting out as much light as possible, you could reduce your chances of depression, obesity, diabetes, and even cancer. Sounds like a convincing argument to stop sleeping with the light on.

According to Dr Mercola, umerous studies support the need for complete darkness when we sleep. It encourages the body's natural rhythms and reduces the chances of illness. Much of this has to do with the production of MELATONIN, a hormone responsible for sleep and wake patterns, and mood regulations. Your body produce melatonin at night and especially after a day where you were exposed to bright light like sunlight. Decreased production of melatonin, whether due to lack of sunlight exposure or too much light in the evening hours has been related to depression, especially in SAD or seasonal affective disorder.

Among other things, melatonin reduces your body's estrogen levels at night. When our body Isnot producing enough melatonin, because your're sleeping with the light on or have the television on while sleeping, your estrogen levels never fall. It's this that the scientists believe could increase your chances of 'estrogen sensitive cancer' including breast cancer.

The wake and sleep patterns of the body are crucial for a variety of reasons. But oneof those reasons is that your body knows when it's time to eat(daylight) and time to fast (nighttime, when you should be sleeping). But when sleeping with the light on,  your body's internal clock tells you it is time to eat. To your body, a light is a light and that light indicates daytime-and daytime means it's time to eat. Because if this, sleeping with lights on could literally make you fat.

The American medical association says that health risks associated with the disruption of your sleeping and waking cycles can increase risks of cancer, obesity, diabetes, depression, and reproductive problems. Additionally, if you often find yourself waking up tired, you may find that sleeping in darkness can help treat that issue.

But, the solution is simple,:


Whether you need to buy black-out drapes or simply shut off the television, sleeping in the dark will not only let you wake up feeling more refreshed, but it could increase your health and even your lifespan.


Have you ever tried helping someone who is not a member of your family or friends, even it means getting yourself hurt if you don't stop reaching out?

They say I should stay out of it for my own good, however a part of me feels so compelled to extend my hands to her.  Perhaps just because I was there before, I understand there is hope.
